3 stages of customer relationship building for your startup

2 min readJan 11, 2022

I have been reading Marketing made simple by Donald Miller and Dr. J.J. Peterson, and one lesson that caught my eyes was about relationship building with your customers.

The author talks about the actual stages of a relationship. And any relationship must move through these stages before they ever buy anything from you.

  1. Curiosity
  2. Enlightenment
  3. Commitment

Stage 1: Curiosity

What’s making you curious about the person is one thing: you sense they can help you survive or thrive.

They tend to make us feel like we are a part of a tribe.

A person, product, or brand that can help us survive or thrive piques our curiosity.

So, if you don’t tell them how you help them survive, they will set you aside or discard you.

Hence, associate your product with something that can help them survive.

Stage 2: Enlightenment

This is the process by which customer begins to trust you. And invite us into the new relationship.

They start trusting you when you enlighten them on how you and your product can help them solve their problem.

There are so many ways to enlighten your customers, like a free e-book, email sequences, live event, or video.

Stage 3: Commitment

The two main reasons customers do not place orders:

  1. The brand never asks them for the sale.
  2. The brand asks them for a sale too early.

Commitment in a relationship takes time. And when the sales relationship moves too quickly, the customer feels threatened.

So, we must know when to go for the sale, and how long do we have to enlighten them before they become ready to commit.

Hi, I am Yaashaswi, and I write blogs on online business and how to grow it every day. So, if you are running an online business or plan to start one, then I invite you on my journey of building an online business. https://yaashaswijadav.medium.com/

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I research my curiosity about making money online and share what I learned along the way.