6 key learnings from Ikigai

2 min readJan 20, 2022


“Only staying active will make you want to live a hundred years.” -Japanese proverb

1: The key to longevity.

According to scientists who have studied the five blue zones, the key to longevity are diet, exercise, finding a purpose in life, and forming strong social ties — that is, having a broad circle of friends and good family relations.

  • Eat until stomachs are only 80 percent full.
  • Eat plenty of vegetables.

2: Expose yourself to change.

Just as a lack of physical exercise has negative effects on our bodies and mood, a lack of mental exercise is bad for us because it causes our neurons and neural connections to deteriorate — and, as a result, reduces our ability to react to our surroundings.

“The brain needs a lot of stimulation to stay in shape.”

The problem is that when the brain develops ingrained habits, it does not need to think anymore. Presented with new information, the brain creates new connections and is revitalized.

This is why it is so important to expose yourself to change, even if stepping outside your comfort zone means feeling a bit of anxiety.

3: Most health problems are caused by stress.

Be mindful of reducing stress. One way to reach a state of mindfulness is through meditation, which helps filter the information that reaches us from the outside world.

It can also be achieved through breathing exercises, yoga, and body scans.

4: A lot of sitting will age you.

The rise in sedentary behavior has led to numerous diseases such as hypertension and obesity. It’s so important to develop a healthy and active lifestyle at an early age.

5: Importance of rituals.

Rituals give us clear rules and objectives, which help us enter a state of flow. When we have only a big goal in front of us, we might feel lost or overwhelmed by it; rituals help us by giving us the process, the substeps, on the path to achieving a goal. When confronted with a big goal, try to break it down into parts and then attack each part one by one.

Happiness is in the doing, not in the results. :)

6: The secret is smiling and having a good time.

Keep your heart young — don’t let it grow old. Open your heart to people with a nice smile on your face. If you smile and open your heart, your grandchildren and everyone else will want to see you.

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