The desire for making it work

2 min readJan 26, 2022


Many start or want to start, a business or a blog, or an Instagram page, or YouTube channel, or any other new project, but sooner or later, when things get tough, they quit.

Not because they could not find a way to make it work, but they lost their interest in doing it

If you don’t have passion, if you are not in it to succeed-no-matter-what, you will surely quit when things stop going in your way. Your plan and life’s plan will never be the same.

If the desire for making it work, not burning enough, then you will surely fall behind.

Many times, I had impulses to start a new project because, at first, I found it worthy, but after deep deliberation, I discerned I don’t intend to go all in.

I did not find that burning passion for the project. I might not be able to work on it extra hours without getting bored of it. I started working on a few, but sooner or later I realized, this is not for me.

And, these experiences of failures taught me that It’s wise not to jump on a project that I ain’t passionate about.

I have seen people going back to their day job even after quitting it to start a business. They could not find a way out after failure because they are not passionate about it.

Always remember, you will fail, and you will fall again and again. But make sure you fall forward, not backward.

Never start anything on impulses. Take time to ponder over it.

Ask these questions:

  • Am I passionate about this project?
  • Will I keep working on this when things get tough?
  • Will I be able to put in hours and hours without earning a single penny?
  • Will I be able to work day in day out without getting bored?




I research my curiosity about making money online and share what I learned along the way.